Maltepe University

Marmara Educational Institutions started its educational activities with the motto “From Kin-dergarten to University” in 1991; respectively İstanbul Marmara Education Foundation (IMEV) was established in 1996 and Maltepe University (MU) was founded in 1997.

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    Maltepe University

    Marmara Educational Institutions started its educational activities with the motto “From Kin-dergarten to University” in 1991; respectively İstanbul Marmara Education Foundation (IMEV) was established in 1996 and Maltepe University (MU) was founded in 1997. The university which is a public entity was established by the Law No:4282 and subjected to Law No. 2547 and the provisions of the law and regulations related to the foundations and higher education institutions. The University received its first admissions in the year 1997 with additional quota placement.

    Maltepe University which is affiliated to IMEV has been continuing the tradition of being a foundation by providing services in the education, health, environment, culture, art and social fields.

    Maltepe University is a private university located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded in 1999 by the Bilfex Education Foundation, which is an educational foundation established by Kemal Bilgili— one of the most renowned and popular Turkish actors. Bilgili also serves as the university’s rector and its chancellor. The university offers undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD programs to both local and international students.

    Maltepe University offers several degree programs, including doctoral and post-doctoral programs in engineering; business administration, computer science and information technology; economics; education; law; political sciences; psychology; social sciences; and theology. They also have an MBA program, which provides graduates with the necessary skills to successfully run their own businesses. All programs require a minimum of two years of study to obtain a degree. Additionally, you can choose between a traditional curriculum that teaches you the skills required to be an efficient professional or a flexible learning system that incorporates everything you learn into your daily life.

    Maltepe University has high standards when it comes to their academic programs. They are members of both European Universities (EUs) and Universities of Europe (UoEs). This gives you confidence that your degree will be recognized in your local and international professional community. You can find more information about this at .

    As part of their academic programs, many students choose to obtain a master’s degree from Maltepe University. These programs are mainly offered through the university’s MBA program, but can also be found within other degree programs such as psychology and social sciences. The MBA program is two years long and teaches you management skills that are essential for running a successful business. After completing this program, students can choose between two tracks: general management or marketing management. Students have the choice of completing their MBA either through full-time study or on-the-job learning while working in a related field or organization.

    Currently, approximately 1000 international students study at Maltepe University every year. This number shows that Maltepe University has gained a reputation as a prestigious institution for providing quality higher education to international students. You can find out more about why international students choose Maltepe University here: .

    Maltepe University offers several career opportunities for their students after they complete their academic programs. Many of their graduate students go on to work in academia as professors or researchers. Others find employment with governmental institutions such as universities or ministries where they can use their newly acquired knowledge base to improve current practices within government agencies. Other graduates go on to work in various industries such as IT, biotechnology and manufacturing where they can use their new skills to further improve business practices within these sectors. Finally, some graduates join the public sector where they can use their new knowledge base to change existing practices within government agencies— in this way, they help develop society as a whole

    Maltepe University is an excellent university that provides quality education to both domestic and international students alike. Their degree programs teach you the skills you need for various careers in the academic, industrial, or public sector sectors depending on your interests and goals. Their record of international student admissions indicates that they are gaining credibility among foreign universities looking for quality partners in Turkey. For more information about Maltepe University, please visit: .

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